Burlington Youth to screen a video on the way they see Syrians leaving that war torn country and coming to Canada.

eventspink 100x100By Staff

June 20th, 2106


Burlington Cabinet Minister Eleanor McMahon wants you to understand that she believes fervently that young people play a vital role in building our community.

Syrian children“To better understand issues impacting youth across the province and right here in our city, I organized a group of engaging Burlington high school youth to gain their perspectives”, said McMahon in a media release

“One of the issues the group is passionate about is making Syrian refugees feel at home when they arrive in Canada. As part of their effort to welcome these families, they’ve created a video that tells their story about coming to Burlington.”

A year in the making, this video explores the idea of what “home” means and highlights the emotional challenges faced when leaving behind the home you know and having to build a new one in an unfamiliar community.

The video will be screened at Burlington central Library June 28th, 7:00 to 8:30 pm

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