Mayor unable to take part in the Front Line Clap this Friday evening.

News 100 redBy Staff

April 9th, 2020



Mayor with iPad on deck

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward preparing her iPad for the Front Line Clap Out she performed from the veranda of her house.

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward will not be talking part this Friday in the Front Line Clap Out she organized hoping that it would be celebrated across the city.

Her office reports that she is otherwise engaged.

While the response to the event was tepid at best on the street the Mayor lives on it was popular elsewhere in the city.

Quite popular actually.

Comments from Gazette readers:


  • FYI The Strata at 551 Maple was there front and centre, shouting from balconies, clapping, blowing horns,whistling. We are also there every day at 6 p m. and join in on other tributes. Kind of like if a tree falls in the woods and you didn’t see it did it really fall? So, yes for the record, we supported our Mayor and our front line.

  • Alfred

    A Frontliner Day should be declared for Halton Region or Burlington. So we have some time to notify and inform the masses and really show our gratitude. I’m sure we can work with social media and businesses to promote this day and work within the parameters of safe social distancing.(No group settings). Burlington Stay Strong!

  • numnum

    we should have an ENCORE..this time we will spread the news and we should use pots and pans and even car horns.Let our noise reach toronto to show the frontliners that we really appreciate what they are doing

  • Jim Young

    Great response on Daryl Drive in Aldershot. Lots of folks on balconies at Drewlo building at 945 banging pots, ringing bells, waving flags to neighbours on porches in surrounding courts. We’ve been doing this every night for a week now. The two minutes we spend on our balconies to thank all who are helping fight this, is also a great way to break the monotony of 24 hour isolation and reconnect with neighbours at a safe distance. Doing this every night we find the numbers keep growing. Those working to combat this pandemic deserve our two minutes.

  • Angela

    Sorry we weren’t louder over at Pearl and Lakeshore for Marianne to hear us. All three buildings were clapping, making noise and cheering with thanks for the front line workers … with a special thx to the staff at Pearl and Pine Retirement for the tremendous job they are doing taking such good care of the residents. We are out/will be out each night at 7:30pm in recognition of these amazing heroes..

  • William MacKinnon

    South East Burlington. We were out there with our neighbours. Clapping and cheering.
    Helps break the feeling of isolation. Chatted safely and checked in with neighbours.

  • Susan

    Silvan Forest drive north walkers line. There was some noise up here
    I don’t believe everyone was aware of the event

  • Lots of activity where I live near the hospital

  • Don Fletcher

    There were people clapping & banging pots on their balconies along Lakeshore, in view of Joseph Brant Hospital, but not in large numbers. I’m married to a career ER nurse at JBH and President of the nurses’ union there, and I know that all front line staff value gestures of kindness & appreciation. Theirs are largely thankless jobs. We are in the calm before the storm on COVID-19 & I am confident residents will become more enthusiastic in their support in the tough weeks to come.



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1 comment to Mayor unable to take part in the Front Line Clap this Friday evening.

  • Jake

    I live on the same street as the Mayor and there were many people out last Friday and yesterday. Marianne was participating in the parade of emergency responders that was led down to JBH. Your sensationalizing method of journalism is getting stale.