Member of Parliament wants to hear what you have to say about climate change - Tansley woods on the 20th.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

July 18th, 2016



Damoff with big wide open smiles

MP Pam Damoff will lead a consultation on climate change at Tansley Woods on the 20th

Member of Parliament Pam Damoff is holding a climate change consultation on July 20th at 7pm at Tansley Wood.

Vince Fiorito urges people to “to show up and speak up in support of an ambitious national climate strategy.”

Vince Fitorio

Vince Fiorito. Steward of Sheldon Creek has been a climate change advocate for years.

A number of months ago Fiorito made a very trenchant observation when he said: “The planet it going to survive – there is no certainty that the human race will survive if they keep on behaving the way they do now.”

It is our planet – we actually get to decide what life on this planet is going to be like in the next 50 years.

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