Using the parks, playing in the parks, sports in the parks and private swimming pools - just what does five people mean?

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

May 27th, 2020



Burlington’s elected Council meets in different ways.

Sometimes in Workshop mode where the procedural rules are thin – the objective is to exchange ideas – there is usually a speaker making a presentation involved.

Council also meets as a Standing Committee; there are three of those

EICS: Environment, Infrastructure & Community Services Committee
CPRM: Community Planning, Regulation & Mobility Committee
CSSRA: Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk and Accountability Committee

The Standing Committees is where the real debates take place.

Usually there is a Staff presentation, delegations and opportunities for Council members to ask questions. This interaction allows staff to get a better sense of what the community thinks – frequently changes are made during the meeting so that the report can go to Council for approval.

Then they meet as a Council where they pass bylaws that approve action that will be taken.

council chamber with fans May 25

Four people in the Council Chamber – was the air conditioning shut off.

Monday evening the seven elected members met as a Council in a virtual setting, no public in the Council Chamber and other than the Mayor, the Clerk and two administration staff the room was empty.

The Mayor strutted her stuff and zipped through the agenda in very short order. There were no delegations.

Then there was discussion on support for organized sports and what kind of use the parks can be put to.

The parks are open but there are limits as to just how they can be used.

The province has a rule – no more than five people congregating and those people should be people who live together in the same house.
When the question as to how this applied to private swimming pools the conversation came close to being silly.

The province has the five people rule; Burlington has a six foot social distance bylaw. “How” asked Councillor Sharman “are you going to apply that to a private swimming pool when there are three people who are members of a family and two who are not.”

The idea of a six foot rule applying to a swimming pool is a stretch – good luck with that one.

Sharman added that his understanding of the provincial five people rule was that the members of a family (say three people would count as one – allowing five friends to join the group – making it five

Trinity Bellwoods PArk

Crowding got out of hand in one Toronto park. In two weeks we will know if virus infections increased. If they do we will know where and how the contamination is spread.

Not so said Heather MacDonald the Executive Director of Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility who had earlier said “We consider a group of five to be five people who live in the same house”. Later adding that “we interpret what the province has told us it is to be”.

Sharman did not have a follow up question.

Clearly a need for better communication on this issue

Mayor Meed Ward cleared it up when she wondered what the difficulty was in figuring out what five people was. If you have two children and a parent and an additional two children who ate not part of the family – that is an acceptable group of five. That’s the provincial rule.

In Burlington members of a family can walk side by side – others have to be six feet away.

Councillor Angelo Bentivegna wanted to know why the skate parks were open but the Bocce Ball courts were not open.

That was easy: Chris Glenn explained that the actual bocce balls would have to be wiped clean after each use and that wasn’t possible – just didn’t have the staff to do it.

The City has created Park Ambassadors – teams of two people who roam the parks to explain to people what they might be doing might not be permitted.

There are two such teams – they are staff people who have been pulled from their normal duties and sent out into the sunshine to try and ensure that there is some order in the parks

The Beaches are closed. The Splash Pads are closed. The Public Pools are closed.

Chris Glenn seemed to suggest that it might come down to putting out garden type hoses for kids to use to cool down.

Keeping people six feet apart in parks was described as a problem by Councillor Kearns. She wanted to know what Burlington was going to do to ensure that Burlington doesn’t experience what Toronto experienced.

Heather MacDonald mentioned the idea that had been used in San Francisco where large circles were painted that would hold five people.

social circles May 2020

Will Burlington see social distance circles painted in park grass ?

Mary Battaglia, Director of Roads and Park Maintenance told Council that if circles were painted on the grass in Burlington she would have to hire people to do the work and added that she didn’t have budget for that.  Also the circles would have to be repainted in two weeks.

One Council member wanted to know what she thought of the Vancouver idea where there were circles painted on the grass. Mary explained that in time the grass would grow and eliminate the circles and she didn’t have the budget to paint new circles.

Director of Parks and Recreation, Chris Glen and his sidekick Rob Axiak said they were working up ideas on how the sports fields could be more effectively used – one would have thought that would have been given the attention needed back in early April.

With the warm, Ok hot weather, people will want to be outdoors. The children are no longer in school and while some might be doing a bit of school work – it’s outdoor for most. To do what?

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