Trudeau pressing the flesh

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1 comment to Trudeau pressing the flesh

  • DonnaZ

    The event was incredible! I have followed Justin’s career for many years now even before he entered public office.
    The Trudeau family has provided me with several several firsts in my life.

    First Vote: for Mr. P. Trudeau in 1980 while I was a Quebec high school senior.

    First Rally: Justin Trudeau’s event in Burlington yesterday.

    First Time meeting a politician: Justin Trudeau.

    First time officially registering with a political party. Even though I have always been a Liberal.

    First Time in a newspaper. I am the short little runt watching in awe and wonderment.

    And now I hope the chance to vote for and hopefully have a PM that is from my generation in office.

    Yesterday was an incredible experience. One of many more political firsts to come I am sure.

    Be the Change Justin and we will follow you into that change.
    Our generation has been patiently waiting for you to be ready to lead us into that change.

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